5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Maintenance

There’s nothing quite as depressing as turning on your air conditioner to find that it isn’t working.  However, there are often plenty of warning signs that your air conditioner needs a little “Tender Love & Care” before it breaks on you. When you keep your ears open, you can hear the signs of Air Conditioning failure. Be ready to act on those signs when you do hear them! Get your Maintenance with us today and prevent future problems.

#1 Your Unit Is Noisy.

 The sounds tend to differ depending on the person and their unit.  It could be a grinding noise or a high-pitched screeching. If something doesn’t sound right to you… Then please consider bringing in the professionals to see the cause of the noise!

#2 You Notice the Home Has “Hot” And “Cold” Spots.

Some spots are icy cold, and others are lukewarm even with the unit running.  This is a sign that it’s not delivering the air properly and needs diagnosis.

#3 There’s A Smell To Your Unit And Its Air.

This is often the first thing people notice when spotting any issues with the air conditioner itself! The air smells bad as it comes out into your home, making your home’s air itself smell bad.

#4 Your Unit Is Turning On And Off Randomly.

A struggling air conditioner will always be on and off without delivering cold air.  If it sounds like it’s struggling and cycling a lot more than it should be, then this is a sign that it needs some attention.

#5 Your Energy Bill Is Going Up For No Understandable Reason.

This is a hard one to spot sometimes. But a great one to look for!  Some homeowners rarely touch their thermostat, but somehow their bill jumps up. This could be a sign that you are dealing with a unit that is working harder than it should be and over-amping. Repairs are better than the alternative.

No one wants to shell out the money to pay for a repair for your air conditioner. However, it certainly will be better than simply not having it work. Most fixes and maintenance are cost-effective, so that will help you save a bit of cash.  A properly working air conditioner will be more efficient and worth the money you gave for it.

It’s all about ensuring your unit is working at its best. Get in touch if you notice any of these problems bothering your unit.

Contact Aviator Heating and Cooling for Furnace Replacement.

A working furnace is necessary to enjoy the cold winter season. A good furnace can keep your living space comfortable and livable throughout the winter months. However, like any other appliance in your home, you might face a failing heating unit that needs to be replaced by a professional HVAC company. Inspect your furnace for the seven signs listed above to aid you in knowing when the right time for a furnace replacement is. Keep in mind that furnace-related problems can lead to poor health problems from carbon monoxide, mold, and other air pollutants.

We’re open 24/7 to provide emergency furnace repair and to determine whether replacing your furnace is the better (and safer) option. Our emergency service line can help you; call 503-770-4822